I have this talk with my clients all the time. Everyone is going through life, we experiences similar circumstances in our daily lives – Most of us either work 9-5 or maybe own a business. Some of us have children and are busy with their activities as well; taking them to school and extracurricular activities etc. No matter what life is throwing at you, it is paramount to foster healthy Outlets.
What do I mean when I say Outlet? I’m referring to healthy ways to release tension, unclutter your mind, and decompress. You see, our bodies are made to support a certain degree of stress on a short-term basis. However, chronic stress lingering in our bodies and minds can manifest many negative ways. That’s why there is a common term that is used in holistic health called (stress-related conditions). These days there are many diseases and other health problems related to stress. Even minor episodes, such as headaches, restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, to name a few, can have a major impact on the body and mind.
By having healthy Outlets to release tension, we break the pattern and not allow it to manifest in our bodies.

I’m going to share a little bit about my routine and what I use as outlets on a regular basis. These are just a few things that I have found work best for me.
I have to be outdoors often. Fresh air, walking my dog and I really enjoy gardening. I also do some form of exercise in the mornings including cycling or yoga. This helps me start the day grounded and clear minded. To unwind, I drink herbal tea in the evenings. Blending aromatic formulas is another outlet that I find very therapeutic; as it inspires my creativity.
Once again, everyone is different, I encourage you to find what works for you. The clients that I work with, who put this into practice – see dramatic changes in their health and well-being. All of a sudden they are in a better mood, better state of well-being, and have a very positive outlook on life.
So now my question to you is what is your outlet or Outlets? 👣
Please share, as you may Inspire others who are also reading this post. 💜

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